Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Mystery of the Pickled Beets

I knew something blog-worthy would come along to get me back into it and this is it:

My friend, Cynthia, made pickled beets the other day. She had more than enough and offered a jar to me. (Oh boy! I LOVE pickled beets!) So, this morning Cynthia stopped by while I was out and left my jar on the front stoop. She called to say they were waiting for me there.

But they AREN'T there!

So, now you know the mystery of the Pickled Beets.

I'm calling Hercule Poirot.


  1. I was confused about the disappearing beets and how you had a picture of them. But I figured it out :)

  2. Yes, I pulled a pic from internet images. I realized afterward it might be confusing.

    By the way, the mystery was solved later, when Cynthia clarified, "No, I meant MY front stoop!" Ha!
